Evaporative Cooling Systems

From cooling pads to cooling system parts, CRS will help you find the right components to optimize growth within your greenhouse.

Some of our Most Popular Cooling Systems

The Quietaire Evaporative Cooling System

  • Stainless Steel

    Simple, efficient design

    Easy installation and maintenance

    Self-contained water trough

    Standard bleed line prevents buildup of salts and minerals in recirculating water

    Stainless steel pipe cover

    Float Valve water hose attachment automatically refills trough as evaporation occurs

    Lasting durability

    Supplied in 10' sections

    Trim package with end caps available upon request

The Komfort Kool Evaporative Cooling System

  • Utilizes the natural cooling effect of evaporation

    Combats seasonal heat and stress-related dips in production

    Efficient cellular water media reduces temperatures up to 20 degrees depending on temperature and humidity

    Uniform pad wetting

    Corrosion-resistant construction

Hired Hand Evaporative Cooling System

  • 50/60 Hz operation

    Extension kits

    Self-contained reservoir

    Accommodates 4” or 6” cooling pads

    Continuous systems up to 120’ long by 6’ high

    Self-priming pump- sump or external

    Mounts to any building

    4 mounting options to choose from- center, straight end, corner system end, or corner system center

Replacement Pads

  • High-quality, heavyweight paper for maximum water absorption

    Resin coating adds durability, increases pad longevity, and prevents fungi growth

    Available Edge Guard coating provides an additional layer of strength and longevity to the pad, as well as makes it easier to clean.

Parts for all systems

  • Water Reservoir or Tank

    Water Pump


    Distribution System

    Float Valve

    Water Level Controller

    Water Distribution System

    Control Panel

    Sump or Pan

    Drain or Overflow Pipe

    Air Filter

    Frame or Casing

    Control Mechanisms

    Evaporative Cooling Media Access Panel

    Electric Wiring and Components

Learn More…

Evaporative cooling systems help regulate temperature and create optimal growing conditions for plants. These systems work on the principle of evaporative cooling, which involves the conversion of liquid water into water vapor, thus cooling the surrounding air. Here's how evaporative cooling systems support your growing system:

Temperature Control:

  • Evaporative cooling systems help lower the temperature inside the greenhouse. When water is evaporated into the air, it absorbs heat from the environment, reducing the air temperature. This is especially important during hot summer months to prevent overheating and stress on plants.

    Energy Efficiency:

  • Compared to traditional air conditioning systems, evaporative cooling is energy-efficient. It consumes less electricity, making it a cost-effective solution for temperature control in greenhouses.

    Humidity Management:

  • These systems increase humidity levels in the greenhouse. While this may seem counterintuitive, it's beneficial because it helps maintain a more favorable relative humidity for plant growth. Low humidity can be detrimental to plants, causing them to lose moisture through transpiration at an accelerated rate.

    Improved Plant Health and Growth:

  • Consistent temperature and humidity levels created by evaporative cooling systems contribute to healthier plant growth. Plants are less stressed, leading to improved crop yields and quality.

    Pest and Disease Control:

  • The increased airflow from the evaporative cooling system can help deter the spread of pests and diseases. It prevents stagnant air pockets where pests and pathogens can thrive.


  • Evaporative cooling systems can be used in conjunction with other climate control measures, such as exhaust fans and shade systems, to create a comprehensive greenhouse climate management strategy.

    Environmental Considerations:

  • Evaporative cooling systems use water as their cooling medium, which is more environmentally friendly than some refrigerants used in traditional air conditioning systems. Additionally, they can be designed to recirculate and filter the water, reducing water consumption.

Temperature Uniformity:

  • These systems help maintain more uniform temperatures throughout the greenhouse, preventing hot and cold spots that can negatively impact plant growth.

Easy Installation and Maintenance:

  • Evaporative cooling systems are relatively easy to install and maintain, making them accessible to greenhouse operators with various levels of technical expertise.

CRS is here to support you in choosing a cost-effective and environmentally friendly choice for maintaining optimal growing conditions in your greenhouse environment.

Reach out and we’ll get started on your commercial greenhouse solutions today.